Revue XXI


Creation of the XXI magazine website: the medium for investigative journalism and in-depth features

  • web strategy
  • ux design
  • graphic design
  • art direction
  • technical direction

16 years without a website: doesn’t XXI magazine hold the record among French media? This has now been resolved, with the launch of a website dedicated to the daily life of this investigative and reporting medium.

Discover online

A major challenge: how to bring an iconic paper magazine to life in a digital environment? How can the quality of the paper and the print layout be felt on the web?

Desktop HD - Taille 2
Page article - Gratuit - couverture
Page article - Gratuit - citation
Page article - Gratuit - fin 1

Particular attention has been paid to long-format article templates, for the best possible reading comfort on the web, with episode sequencing to follow long-term series.

Homepage mobile
Desktop HD - Taille 1

The website has been designed as a continuation of the magazine, using the same graphic codes as the print version. The idea is to recognize XXI, while creating a design system specific to digital needs.

Page portfolio 4
Page article - Épisode feuilleton

The contents of 6Mois magazine, a sister publication of XXI magazine, enrich the site, integrating photos and portfolios twice a week. The specific features and spirit of this publication can be felt in the portfolio templates, with their design that contrasts with the rest of the articles.

Desktop HD - Taille 3

A site created with our technical partner FCINQ, always ready to help make the Internet a little better; and an editorial team at XXI and Indigo Publications that listened carefully and were the driving force behind the project.

Mobile - Mosaïque
Contributeur - Listing articles 1
Listing articles - Rubrique